Wednesday, 16 November 2011

World AIDS Day 2011; Intercessions

Intercessions for use during the Eucharist
Intercessions could be provided with a focus by placing and lighting the Paschal Candle, lit and with a red AIDS ribbon attached.
We offer our prayers to God our Father, in whose image all is created, in the name of the Son through whom all is redeemed, and in the power of the Spirit whose healing and saving power is given.

Leader: Almighty God and Father, we bring before you our prayers. We pray for your Church and those places where it witnesses amidst suffering. We remember particularly those marginalised and affected by HIV and AIDS. May they find in you their hope, and know the broken body on the Cross is also the symbol of new life.
Lord, in your mercy;
Hear our prayer.

We pray for those suffering from the effects of HIV and AIDS. We ask you to be with them in their suffering. We pray for families and friends of those who suffer, that they may find strength and peace.
We pray for all doctors, nurses and carers, that they may bring relief and know purpose in the use of their skills.
Lord, in your mercy;
Hear our prayer.

We pray for communities torn apart by the ravages of illness and loss. We ask that you will raise up those who can bring leadership and hope. We pray that the nations of the world may be converted to address the imbalances of justice and poverty.
Lord, in your mercy;
Hear our prayer.

We pray for research programmes, and a blessing on those whose skills and endeavours may bring new treatments and cures.
Lord, in your mercy;
Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who seek to bring information, that educational outreach programmes will be successful in combating ignorance and misinformation about HIV/AIDS.
Lord, in your mercy:
Hear our prayer.

We pray for ourselves, that as the Body of Christ, we may know compassion for those who are sick and suffering, and know that all are in need of healing as members one of another.
Lord, in your mercy;
Hear our prayer.

We remember before you, Father, those who have died – and particularly those who have died from complications arising from HIV/AIDS. We pray that they find peace at the last.
Lord, in your mercy;
Hear our prayer.

In the one Spirit we are baptised into the one Body. We bring our prayers to God our Father through Jesus the Son who knows our every weakness and pain.
Merciful Father,
Accept these prayers through Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord. Amen

Offertory prayer
Lord, you show yourself in those who are vulnerable, and you make your home with the poor and weak of this world. Accept these gifts which we offer in your service. May they be symbols of your loving power among us, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Post Communion prayer
We offer you thanks and praise that in Jesus you have found us and placed us under the protection of your love. May we, your people, using all our energy and imagination, and trusting in your unfailing love, be united in conquering all disease and fear. We make this prayer in the name of the one who has borne all our wounds, and whose Spirit strengthens and guides us. Warm us with the fire of your Spirit so that all may come to know the joyful good news of healing and peace. May the love and compassion of God, the strength and healing of the Spirit and the life-giving words of the Son be known in all Creation. Amen